Every member of the school community has the right to a safe school and the responsibility to stop bullying
The Academy will always emphasise that bullying is wrong and will not be tolerated. Bullying is a topic within the Citizenship and Health programme and all pupils receive education on the subject. There are also school assemblies and events on bullying awareness. Staff and parents will be vigilant in picking up any signs of bullying.
What is Bullying?
Physical - pushing, kicking, hitting, pinching, any form of violence or threats
Verbal - name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, persistent teasing and abuse
Emotional - tormenting, threatening ridicule, humiliation, exclusion from groups or activities
Racist, sexist, homophobic behaviour - taunts, graffiti, gestures, inappropriate comments
Sexual - unwanted physical contact, abusive comments
Demanding money, material goods or favours - by means of threat or force
Graffiti - designed to intimidate or embarrass
Encouraging others - to engage in forms of bullying
Ridiculing an individual - because of physical, racial, economic, sexual, intellectual, cultural of racial difference
Writing inappropriate comments - supporting any of the above by use of internet or mobile phones
Taking and/or sending inappropriate picture/photos
What to do if you think you are being Bullied?
Tell your parents and friends - keep your family and friends informed so they can support you through this difficult time, it will not last long!
Tell the school - bullying should be reported to any adult employed by the school. The University Academy Holbeach does not tolerate bullying and investigations into bullying incidents will be thorough and involve both the bully and the bullied.
Feel confident - those targeted by bullies will be made safe and given support.The bully will be helped to recognise their unsociable behaviour and offered support to modify that behaviour.
What will happen to the Bully?
Details recorded - all incidents of bullying will be recorded in the Bullying Log and on the behaviour system. There will also be written details placed in the pupil file, which will accompany them throughout their school life.
Staff involved - Tutors and Key Stage Managers will speak to the bully at length.
Parents involved - a letter and/ or a telephone call home will inform parents of events.
School Exclusion - unresolved cases may result in exclusion from school.
How can I help?
Most pupils are not actively involved in bullying. They neither bully nor are targets of bullying. They know it is wrong but unless they are asked for help, or are made to feel they have a responsibility or duty to act, they will turn a blind eye to the abuse.
If you see bullying and do nothing about it you are helping the bully not those targeted by bullies!
If you see evidence of bullying it is your responsibility to inform a member of staff so they can put a stop to it.
Bullies hurt people - don't let them!
More places to get help and support
ChildLine is the UK’s free, confidential helpline for children and young people. They offer advice and support, by phone and online, 24 hours a day. Whenever and wherever you need them, they’ll be there.If you need help or advice about bullying, you can call ChildLine (0800 1111) or go to the ChildLine website
CyberMentors This is a safe social networking site providing information and support for young people affected by bullying.
The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) offers help and advice on cyberbullying, and maintains a special Thinkuknow website for children and young people, and parents and carers about staying safe online.
Beatbullying.org is dedicated to stamp out bullying for all age groups. See the beatbullying.org website.