Examination Details for Students & Parents – Spring & Summer 2022
Please check that the following information on your Examination Timetable is correct:
- Correct spelling of names
- Your Legal name must be used for examinations NOT ‘known as’ (for example: your known name at school is Smith but your legal name is Brown).
- Date of birth
- Correct exams and levels have been entered - ask your teachers if you are not sure.
If any changes need to be made, see Mrs Haynes or Mrs Furnell in the Exams Office as soon as possible. It is vital that all details are correct otherwise the wrong information will be entered on your final certificates.
Make sure you look after your Examination Timetable - it is your responsibility to arrive for the correct exam at the correct time and with the appropriate equipment.
You must make sure that your bags are in lockers before arriving to the exam.
Morning exams will begin at 9.00am so make sure that you are in the Main Hall at 8.45am ready to start at 9.00am.
Afternoon exams will begin at 1.30pm, unless you are told otherwise, so it is important that you get to the canteen as soon as you are registered.
Afternoon Exams that last for 2 Hours or more – Please be aware that these could finish as late as 3.45. You will need to prepare in advance for this by making arrangements to get home if you normally go home on the school bus.
Please see the school website for exam rules, regulations and regular updates.
In the event of illness, you must contact the school straight away and obtain a letter from the doctor. Please note that if you miss your exam, this may mean that your paper is marked 0. Special consideration does not always apply, so please do not rely on this to achieve your target grade.
Please be aware that, iWatches or any other wearable technological/web enabled sources of information or analogue wrist watches are not permitted and must be handed in on entrance to the examination hall along with Mobile phones, earphones and AirPods. You can put them in your lockers but we strongly recommend that you hand them in to the invigilators for safe keeping or not wear them on exam days.
Please also ensure that full uniform including blazers and jumpers are worn into the exam hall and sleeves are rolled down. Blazers and jumpers may be removed once you are sat down if you are warm.
Please read the notices that are included in your pack. They are important, the rules and regulations must be adhered to at all times. Failure to comply could lead to disqualification from the exam so it is important that you read them. These documents are also on the website along with other information that may be of help to you.
If you have any queries, worries or concerns, please see Mrs Haynes or Mrs Furnell in the Exams Office who will be only too happy to help.
Thank you for your co-operation, we wish you every success in your examinations.
Good Luck!