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  • Odd Socks Day

    Published 17/11/22
    On Monday 14th November, the Academy took part in Odd Socks Day. This is organised by the Anti-Bullying Alliance and is the start of Anti-Bullying Week. Pupils and staff were encouraged to wear odd socks on Monday, as a show of support to anyone who
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  • Christmas Shoebox Appeal

    Published 16/11/22
    The Academy came together as a community, to support the Rotary’s Christmas Shoebox appeal. Pupils were encouraged to donate pre-loved toys and also stationary and toiletries. These were put into gift shoeboxes and delivered to Mr David Spencel
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  • Remembrance

    Published 16/11/22
    The Academy observed Remembrance throughout the week beginning 7th November. School Council members volunteered their time, selling poppies at lunchtime. Pupils attending Art Club, worked with Miss Matthews on a beautiful and poignant display on the
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  • Diwali Day

    Published 16/11/22
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    Published 10/11/22
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  • Songs in memory of the Queen

    Published 20/09/22

    Chamber Choir recorded two songs in memory of the Queen, this afternoon. The first was written for the Platinum Jubilee and the second for the Diamond Jubilee. They did really well, as they learned the first song this week!

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  • Lincolnshire Holiday Clubs

    Published 19/07/22

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  • Moulton Harrox Cricket Academy Funday

    Published 30/06/22
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  • School Canteen Awarded Top Marks

    Published 18/05/22

    South Holland District Council Food Standards Agency visit UAH for a kitchen and paperwork inspection.

    UAH was awarded a hygiene rating score of 5 out of 5

    A massive well done to all involved!

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  • Examination Details for Students & Parents – Spring & Summer 2022 ​​​​​​​

    Published 22/04/22
    Please check that the following information on your Examination Timetable is correct: Correct spelling of names Your Legal name must be used for examinations NOT ‘known as’ (for example: your known name at school is Smith but your
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    Published 31/03/22

    Read what we have been up to this term.

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  • Christmas Concert 2021

    Published 17/12/21
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