Children in Need fundraising.
UAH started their Children in Need fundraising early, with a two day Cake sale, organised by the 6th Form Prefects. There was a delicious selection of cakes and biscuits and both days were a sell out! Forms were also invited to take part in an Inter-Form Quiz on the theme of Children in Need and pupils learned about the history and work of the charity. The Library staff organised a number of activities and competitions, which ran all week, with a “Design a Pudsey Mask” competition, “Guess the number of Sweets in the Jar” and filling a Pudsey picture with coins. On Friday, the whole school was invited to attend school in non-uniform and then, at lunchtime, we held a Drumathon, in which a number of the drummers in school performed to the different year groups as they had their lunch. There was some superb playing with Filip Galkowski being a standout performer. In total, the Academy has already raised over £1400 with more donations still coming in.