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English - KS3


With low levels of Literacy upon entry, texts are specifically chosen to be accessible yet challenging, exciting and engaging and to promote a love of Literature both independently and within the classroom setting. Our curriculum design also means that units are differentiated to meet the needs of all ability learners but with a consistent approach. The English Curriculum at UAH has been designed and produced by the English department staff as a collaborative process, with a focused working group, to develop the essential reading, writing and Spoken Language skills required to be effective communicators across all subjects and to meet the needs of our cohort to inspire a love of English. At the heart of the curriculum is an appreciation of Literature across time and genres.

Year 7

In Year 7, students explore myths, legends and the fantasy genre which allows for an exciting transition from primary school with texts such as Harry Potter sparking their interest whilst also allowing for a level of familiarity with our new starters. Through communication with parents and students, it is evident that there is a decline of interest in reading for pleasure for some students as they transition into secondary school, particularly of more diverse and challenging texts.

Year 8

In Year 8, students explore the Gothic genre across a wide ranging time span of Literature. This genre has been carefully chosen as a result of both student and staff positive feedback over a number of years.  Through communication with parents and students, it is evident that there is a decline of interest in reading for pleasure for some students as they transition into secondary school, particularly of more diverse and challenging texts.

Year 9

In Year 9, students are introduced to the crime and tragedy genres in preparation for GCSE and A-Level but also to develop their analytical and critical thinking skills. Through communication with parents and students, it is evident that there is a decline of interest in reading for pleasure for some students as they transition into secondary school, particularly of more diverse and challenging texts.

Curriculum Overviews are available below.

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